Thank you to everyone who supported our team that went to Burundi! It was such an amazing experience!!! I'll post the last posts soon, because the Internet there got a little messed up so I couldn't post.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Tuesday + Wednesday, Last day of camp/sickness

The power has been out, and the wifi doesn't work when it's out, so this might be late

The second (and last) day of camp was a lot like the first day, we got there to some worship and joined in. As usual, it was filled with joy!

Tyler finished talking to the kids about the Holy Spirit, and I again thought they were paying attention really well.

We then split the kids up into 3 groups and rotated games. We had 7 frisbees at one station, 100 kendamas at another, and the station I was with played tag. At first it was difficult to explain the game without a translator, but Gloria came and did a great job of explaining. We played link tag, and everyone was laughing the entire time!

We worshiped again with the kids and then worshiped with two of our songs again before heading out to lunch.

It was delicious!

Before everyone was done with lunch, something amazing happened. I asked Denise if it was possible for me to play the piano alone for a little bit. It turned out that the guy that unlocked the door for me too get into the building let in all the kids as well, so it ended up being a concert! I met the guy who played the piano normally, and we had an awesome conversation.

We got back to the building and listened to quite a while of teaching the kids about their health, and how to prevent Malaria, STDs and HIV/AIDS which brought up a lot of good questions!

After that, the man from yesterday came up to teach the kids in Kirundi. Again, I didn't catch a whole lot, but he was talking about sexual sin. It was amazing how many confessions there were, and we prayed over them.

We went into some more worship and praise, because you can never have too much! Our team did "Everlasting God" again to which everyone was dancing!

The night ended with a long time of different kids leading worship. And when we announced that we would be passing out their gifts, they cheered!

We went a while passing out notebooks and returning smiles while the music played in the background. Everyone was worn out, so we went to a great restaurant called Helena to top off the late night.

The next morning I woke up at 7:45, ran to the bathroom, and threw up. It was a terrible day of the worst sickness that I don't want to explain right now, so if you have any questions just ask me when I get home! Just know I'm all better now.

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