Thank you to everyone who supported our team that went to Burundi! It was such an amazing experience!!! I'll post the last posts soon, because the Internet there got a little messed up so I couldn't post.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday - another day of rest

We took time this morning to talk about the kids camp we are running in a few days, and we played games and practiced skits to get a good idea of what was going on.

After eating lunch we went to try and see some hippos and alligators in our new bus. We weren't going to a zoo, it was in the wild. Though we only saw some hippos in the distance, we all had a great time taking photos and talking :)

We got back 15 minutes before we were having dinner at Bishop Buchiniordi (spelling?). We met at the bus to find it was rescheduled for 7 instead of 5. Meanwhile, Spencer caught a baby gecko that was in our room and we fed it fish crackers and ants from the bathroom. I played some card games too.

We passed a pretty bad car accident, the first I've seen here, on the way to dinner. The Bishop was very nice and he had a lot of his family there too. The food was better than any restaurant, and it got better in the candlelight when the power went off!

Back at the hotel, we discussed tomorrow's activities and what God has been teaching us. We are leaving to go up-country tomorrow after attending a 3 hour church service!

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